Old horro movies - watching them now
I'm not a big horror movie person. I never watched the horror flicks Scream, Halloween or the Nightmare of Elm Street when they were in the threatres originally. Any of them, the original or the numbers two, three, four and more. All those bad guys/girls that Halloween costumes sell. I'm pretty sure if I had watched them when they originally came out I would have been screaming, not wanting to be left alone in the house, jumping when a car drove by, jumping or panic attack when I heard footsteps behind me, you get the picture. Scream, Freddy and Mike Myers would have dissolved me into a puddle. Or I'm assuming they would have.
But I didn't watch them when they came out when I was younger. More impressionable, nope I watched them this year. Some what thirty years later or more? What makes me jump now is when a loud noise unexpectedly happens. Murderer/psycho trying to break into the house with a young girl running around trying to get out? Nope, not jumping up or hiding behind the blanket for that. I'm now sitting there saying don't go upstairs or to the basement (seriously never the basement). I'm also saying grab another body part, as you are never going to get his hands off your throat. I won't type what body part but I'm pretty sure his hands would quickly lose a little power if grabbed (pulled, twisted). I feel I am offering very constructive advice to these young women. They are not taking it. In any of those movies or the later ones. Okay, I saw one girl use a taser on a body part which made me happy as he went down. I liked her.
So I know I have missed a piece of my impressionable childhood of being scared to death. Being alone in the house, walking alone, underground parking (okay I still don't like that), footsteps behind me or anywhere near me. Those situations have lost the majority of their power now. When people try and scare me now I tell them I'm into collateral damage. If and when I go down pieces of everything around me are coming down with me. Plus, I won't be grabbing the strong hands/arms around my throat - I'll be grabbing lower. Just saying.
I did enjoy watching them. Seeing actors from years ago - some just getting their start on the screen. I feel more intune when people talk about horror characters. The masks, nightmares and man who can't be killed. I sat and realized age has made me more of a badass. Plus less of a target as not a teen or young twenty something. I'm the woman into collateral damage when you take me down. Tell me you won't hurt me. Yeah, seriously so done with that. Nope. Don't believe them.
Have you watched for the first time, or maybe again, a movie that felt different this time around? Has age, life experience changed the way you respond? Let me know.
PS I also watched Lord of the Rings again this year and felt that same way I did when I saw it the first time. Still have a crush on......